
Laghu Kahaniyan – 2

Original price was: ₹175.00.Current price is: ₹50.00.

Collection of 5 Short Stories for Children’s in Hindi

1. Swapna Lok
2. Mantra
3. Pahad Ka Bhoot
4. Sher Aur Shikari
5. Hatyara Bagh

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Collection of 5 Short Stories for Children’s in Hindi

1. Swapna Lok
2. Mantra
3. Pahad Ka Bhoot
4. Sher Aur Shikari
5. Hatyara Bagh

About –hatyara- bagh

When they saw the ‘bagh’ they came to know the reason of many infant deaths and
that the same very ‘bagh’ had eaten the soft and tender bodies of those missing infants!
The ‘bagh’ also saw them and became alert to attack them. Now it was between them to
attack first. When the first attack came from them the ‘bagh’ ran to safety.
He ran …ran very fast …….and disappeared. He ran so fast that they could not compete
with him. But for ‘kalu’ –the sikari dog, who followed the ‘bagh’ and came back to guide them to
their target.
And they fought the battle. Who won ….? Read on ….

About —pahar – ka – bhoot

When faced with bhoot on the mountain at an army picket, he decided to fight. He put the
magazine on his Stan gun full of thirty two bullets! He practiced his aim and the drill before he
went to sleep.
But when the bhoot arrived ….when the mother earth trembled …when the lamp
flickered…and swung …and the wind sang the song of horror… he failed to shoot !
But why ….? Read on ……….

About — sher – aur – shikari

Keen to go to the jungle and keen to help the villagers , by killing the men eater who had
attacked the innocents, they prepared to face the danger and kill the monster before he
attacked them again!
The preparations were made in details. The risk factor was ruled out totally. No chance to
be taken when faced with a real tiger! Because they knew that the tiger attacks ….attacks when
fired upon …attacks fiercely ….and kills mercilessly if missed!
Life and death —situation was well evaluated before facing a tiger.
And the tiger was attacked …fired upon …! But the tiger did not react … or attacked like a

tiger ……..!
But why ….? Read on to find out …..

About – mantra
When baba ji gets fed up of the mischief’s of his little friends he decides to divert their energies
in to a positive direction.
He promises to give a ‘mantra’ to one of them…in lieu of the best behavior and good
The race begins amongst the little friends to show to baba ji ….the goodness …the
greatness …the graciousness and the good conduct…that they are capable doing off !
And the wait to get the ‘mantra’ starts………
Who gets the ‘mantra’ from baba ji ….? Read on ……..

About _ swapan lok

‘The good and the great men never die!’ Said the Jal dev.
‘ Yet the corrupt and the clever rule the roost !’ Objected Sameer. ‘Uncle Kelkar is dead. My
Papa …..Will die soon! And my mother ….? ‘
‘I am here Sameer to help the good and the great! Let the people go with their greed! But the
God is there to save ….not the might …but the right! ‘Jail Dev smiled and disappeared.

……..Read on to know about the right and the might ……


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